Sunday, March 1, 2009

Outfit #2: Styled By Noah

"i want to dress you. i want you to wear this jumpsuit i have. i don't care when. it will just rule."

-Noah, January 31st 2009

This outfit was picked out by Noah S. and included a blue jumpsuit he had. 

The jumpsuit was rather large and I wore a plain white tee-shirt and black leggings underneath to keep warm, as well as boots. 

Wearing Noah's jumpsuit made me feel at once powerful and strong (like I could be fixing someone, anyone's sink, motorcycle, etc), I also felt a little ill at ease at first. Many people had not remembered that I was doing a performance project, and so were very confused. 

Ordinary tasks such as going to an 8 am meeting, picking up interlibrary loan books, working at the help desk and ordering a tea were now both hilarious and awkward. Mostly nobody said anything about my outfit. At this seemed very unusual but then I got used to it. The jumpsuit was a little itchy but also kind of cool in that I felt a sudden kinship with the janitors I encountered heading toward the bathroom. 

Over the jumpsuit experience was positive. One Margaret W. was injured (bruise on her side) in a frantic attempt to get near me upon seeing the jumpsuit. Otherwise none was harmed.

OUTFIT #2 was worn FEB 3rd, 2009.

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